Belarus and prostitution is considered illegal, but only holds a administrative penalty rather then criminal charges. There's lots of women that want to work as escort or in the adult industry but often end up in the wrong hands. With our website we're trying to show you legal establishments in Europe where it is legal to work as escort or in a club, but also ways to gain documentation in regards of legal stay in such countries. You can make good money if you decide to opt to work legally in any of the known clubs or escort agency's in Europe.
Our website offers the plain & most basic information of how to find work in prostitution if your coming from Belarus. If your living in Belarus and looking for legal ways to work in the sex industry unfortunately there is'nt much choice. Other then independent and having risk in regards of illegal practices, we do not recommend going against the law of country your resident in. We offer lots of various countries in where prostitution is legal and where you can signup to get to know more info. All is on voluntary basis where you have the free will to choose.
On this page you'll find listings of legal company's who currently hire girls. Mind you the minimum age for most countries is 21 and above. You might have to travel and register in the country you want to work in. Since Belarus is part of the European Union every european is free to move and move into the country of wishes.