Switzerland is a beautiful country with classic winters, good society and lots of legal ways to work in prostitution in general. Girls can make good money when active in populair clubs, brothels or escort service's. With this page we highlight the most recommended websites or sex agency's in Switzerland where you can find work as escort or a good spot in a sexclub of choice. We also list the top websites with information regarding moving to Switzerland.
As a female escort or open-minded to work in known brothels in Switzerland you have to know that prostitution is legal in this country and generally you can work while making good money. Have yourself informed well before moving to Swiss and make sure you have all the required paperwork and / or legal documents before you do so. A european passport or at least visum is required to legally enter and work. You can work for company's or as independent.
The currency in Switzerland is Swiss franc (CHF). It does not use euro but you can exchange or pay with euro's. The average price for half hour service starts from 110 up to 180 for a full hour of escort. Most agency's in Switzerland work on a 60/40% comission basis which is simular like Netherlands. Check below overview of brothels, escort service's & more.